Download the Alpine template
Templates can be downloaded directly from the Proxmox web interface, though it’s a bit hidden. You have to go to Storage View –> local –> Content –> Templates.
Ever since I purchased my home server (a Dell T20) I have been running Proxmox for all of my home server needs. I had never used containers before and I assumed that I would be using it to manage virtual servers. I tried using OpenVZ containers (because it’s so easy in Proxmox) running Debian and found that they worked great for all of my use cases. I ended up not creating a single real VM.
Selenium is a web automation tool. It can be used to crawl and scrape websites. It requires a web browser installed to use as a web driver: we’re going to use Firefox. We’ll also need to trick Firefox into thinking there is a display attached: we’ll user Xvfb for that.
This guide will get you Laverna running inside a super tiny and secure Alpine Linux container.
Alpine on LXC is an excellent base for setting up an application. This guide will show you how to setup an OpenVPN connection that connects automatically when the container is started.